Guillaume Betaillouloux
Twitter: @octoperf
LinkedIn: octoperf
Website: octoperf.com
Blog: octoperf.com/blog
Guillaume Betaillouloux is Performance Testing Director at OctoPerf and also a co-founder of the solution. He works in the performance testing industry since more than 10 years, for different companies including Neotys which another famous performance testing software editor.Guillaume has e a large experience working as a performance tester for more than a hundred of different clients.He like sharing its experience and some methodology tips through blog posts on OctoPerf blog.
Session - How to improve the JMeter User Experience?
Aug 1 10-10:55 AM
JMeter is a very good tool but it is also commonly qualified as a resource intensive and complex solution.In this session, our expert will show you how OctoPerf simplifies the global JMeter experience from scripting to results in order to optimize your testing experience, save time and go beyond what JMeter offers.